The PES is a weekly radio show on KZUU 90.7FM, Pullman, WA at noon to two o'clock pm on Monday's. We talk sports, politics, and technology. You can find radio show audio and links from this site.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Car Buying Advice - Avoid "The Game"

This afternoon's show was one where Tom was out of town. But the other Tom called in. We talked about several items that has been posted on Including information about the taxation of the land that Hawkins and WalMart will sit on. What that would mean to the Pullman School District.

The second hour was spent talking about car buying advice. I spoke at length about "The Game". How it is played and how you must play it in order to win.

Download the audio: The PES - Mar. 17th, 2008 (Right-Click "Save As...")


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