The PES is a weekly radio show on KZUU 90.7FM, Pullman, WA at noon to two o'clock pm on Monday's. We talk sports, politics, and technology. You can find radio show audio and links from this site.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Privacy and Biometric Information

This afternoon Tom and I talked RFID and privacy. We talked about my concerns about the government collecting data, such as iris scans, DNA, etc and then storing it on smart cards that we are forced to have. Tom thought I was being paranoid and a cospiricy theoriest, but I believe that we are moving down a road we will not return from.

Later on the other Tom called in and we talked about securing data and off site data storage which took us full circle to the Pullman/Moscow area and development.

Download the audio: The PES - Feb. 25th, 2008 (Right-Click "Save As...")


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