The PES is a weekly radio show on KZUU 90.7FM, Pullman, WA at noon to two o'clock pm on Monday's. We talk sports, politics, and technology. You can find radio show audio and links from this site.

Monday, March 25, 2002

Ryno the Sports Dude Argues Politics

Today's show topics include:

The Big Spring Break Trip story
Should thieves be executed
Bush turning his back on the people of America
Zero Tolerance
Tech News you should know

Download the audio: The PES - Mar. 25th, 2002 (Right-Click "Save As...")

Monday, March 11, 2002

ASWSU Debates Show 2

Today's radio show topics:

6 Month Anniversary of terrorist attacks.
Tech News You Should Know.
Sports with Ryno.
ASWSU Presidential Tickets.
ASWSU Presidential Tickets.

Download the audio: The PES - Mar. 11th, 2002 (Right-Click "Save As...")

Monday, March 4, 2002

ASWSU Debates Show 1

Today on the show:

Tech News You Should Know.
Political Roundtable.
ASWSU Vice-Presidential Debate: Gamble vs. Shinnell.
ASWSU Presidential Debate: Lebert vs. Mayer.

Download the audio: The PES - Mar. 4th, 2002 (Right-Click "Save As...")